In this post I want to share a simple technique for verifying the invocation of a Kotlin lambda function without mocking it.
Let’s imagine we have a class for loading data:
class DataLoader {
.... fun load(query: String, fetcher: (String) -> Data): Data {
return findCachedData(query) ?: fetcher(query).also { fetchedData ->
cacheData(query, fetchedData)
data class Data(val result: String)fun findCachedData(query: String): Data? {....}
fun cacheData(query: String, data: Data) {....}
When consumer calls the load
function, Data
from the cache will be returned immediately if cached entry can be found for the given query
, otherwise the fetcher
function provided by the user will be invoked with its result being cached.
val data1 = dataLoader.load("a") { query ->
// this should be invoked the first time
}val data2 = dataLoader.load("a") { query ->
// this should NOT be invoked the second time as cached Data is available
Since the execution of the fetcher
might be expensive, we want to make sure it's only invoked when no Data
is available in the cache for the given query
How do we test this behavior?
Mocking is a common way to help verify that the code under test has (or has not) interacted with a dependency.
We can mock the (String) -> Data
lambda expression as if it's an interface, and verify
whether the invoke(...)
function has been invoked.
Here’s how our test might look like with mockito-kotlin:
private val dataLoader = DataLoader(...)private val testData = Data("result")@Test
fun `fetcher is not executed when data associated with the query exists in cache`() {
val mockFetcher = mock<(String) -> Data> {
on { invoke(any()) }.doReturn(testData)
} dataLoader.load("query", mockFetcher) // fetcher should be invoked the first time
verify(mockFetcher, times(1)).invoke(any()) clearInvocations(mockFetcher) dataLoader.load("query", mockFetcher) // fetcher should NOT be invoked for the same query the second time
verify(mockFetcher, times(0)).invoke(any())
Here’s what we’ve done to test the behavior mentioned earlier:
- Create a
of the type(String) -> Data
. - Stub the
invoke(query: String): Data
function and return atestData
(the actual value is not important in this test). - Call
dataLoader.load("query", mockFetcher)
for the first time. - Verify that the
invoke(query: String): Data
function on themockFetcher
was invoked exactly 1 time, as no existing data associated withquery
exists in the cache yet. - Clear any previous recorded invocations on the
to avoid stubbing again. - Call
dataLoader.load("query", mockFetcher)
for the second time. - Verify that the
invoke(query: String): Data
function on themockFetcher
was NOT invoked this time as cachedData
for thequery
The same test looks similar with MockK:
private val dataLoader = DataLoader(...)private val testData = Data("result")@Test
fun `fetcher is not executed when data associated with the query exists in cache`() {
val mockFetcher = mockk<(String) -> Data>()
every { mockFetcher.invoke(any()) } returns testData dataLoader.load("query", mockFetcher) // fetcher should be invoked the first time
verify(exactly = 1) { mockFetcher(any()) } clearMocks(mockFetcher) dataLoader.load("query", mockFetcher) // fetcher should NOT be invoked for the same query the second time
verify(exactly = 1) { mockFetcher(any()) }
The approach above seems reasonable, but having to use mocks in unit tests is usually a code smell.
The necessity to use mocks in unit tests is often caused by tight coupling between the unit under test and its dependencies. For example, when a class directly depends on a type from a third-party library or something that does IO operation, unit testing the class without mocking means the tests will likely be indeterministic and slow — the opposite of what we want with unit tests.
However, mocking comes with costs:
- Mocking adds noise and cognitive load, especially when there are multiple / nested mocks that need to be stubbed in subtle ways to setup the specific test scenarios.
- Mocking can make refactoring harder as tests with mocks verify both the external behavior and the internal workings of the class under test, coupling test code and production code.
- Relying on a mocking framework for testing discourages developers from following good design principles such as dependency inversion.
As such we generally want to avoid using mocks in unit tests and only use them sparingly in higher-level integration tests when necessary.
Now if we look at the fetcher
lambda again, there's nothing complex or indeterministic about its implementation that requires mocking. In fact, the implementation is always provided by the call-side as a trailing lambda:
dataLoader.load("a") {
// perform any side-effects...
// return data
Mocking the fetcher here provides no benefit aside from being able to verify
the invocation using the mocking framework.
We can easily achieve the same with a Fake implementation of the lambda:
private val dataLoader = DataLoader(...)private val testData = Data("result")@Test
fun `fetcher is not executed when data associated with the query exists in cache`() {
var invokeCount = 0
val testFetcher = { _: String ->
} dataLoader.load("query", testFetcher) assertThat(invokeCount).isEqualTo(1) dataLoader.load("query", testFetcher) // invokeCount should NOT increment
Instead of mocking the fetcher: (String) -> Data
lambda, we track the number of invocations with a invokeCount
variable that gets incremented whenever the fetcher
lambda is invoked. Now we're able to verify the lambda invocations with regular assertions.
The testFetcher
implementation records the number of invocations on the lambda and returns a Data
. This looks like something we want to reuse in multiple tests.
We need a TestFetcher
class with a var
for tracking the invocation count, but since the fetcher
parameter is a Kotlin function type rather than a regular interface with a fun fetch(query: String): Data
, what super type should this class implement?
It turns out that a class can implement a function type just like a regular interface:
class TestFetcher(val expectedData: Data) : (String) -> Data {
var invokeCount = 0 override fun invoke(query: String): Data {
return expectedData
With this fake fetcher
implementation in place, our test has now become:
private val dataLoader = DataLoader(...)private val testData = Data("result")@Test
fun `fetcher is not executed when data associated with the query exists in cache`() {
val testFetcher = TestFetcher(expectedData = testData) dataLoader.load("query", testFetcher) assertThat(testFetcher.invokeCount).isEqualTo(1) dataLoader.load("query", testFetcher) // invokeCount should NOT increment
We can also implement a different Fetcher
that throws an exception:
class FailedTestFetcher(val expectedException: Exception) : (String) -> Data {
var invokeCount = 0 override fun invoke(query: String): Data {
throw expectedException
Now we can test that an exception thrown by the fetcher
is propagated to the call-side:
private val dataLoader = DataLoader(...)@Test
fun `fetcher exception is propagated`() {
val testFetcher = FailedTestFetcher(expectedException = IOException()) assertThrows( {
dataLoader.load("query", testFetcher)
} assertThat(testFetcher.invokeCount).isEqualTo(1)
Note that currently suspend
function is not allowed as super types but this will be supported in the upcoming Kotlin 1.4.
// doesn't compile
class Fetcher : suspend (String) -> Data {
override suspend fun invoke(query: String): Data = ....
A real-world example
I recently wrote a new in-memory caching library for dropbox/store. One of the supported features is cache loader which is an API for getting cached value by key and using the provided loader: () -> Value
lambda to compute and cache the value automatically if none exists.
interface Cache<in Key : Any, Value : Any> {
* Returns the value associated with [key] in this cache if exists,
* otherwise gets the value by invoking [loader], associates the value with [key] in the cache,
* and returns the cached value.
* Note that [loader] is executed on the caller's thread. When called from multiple threads
* concurrently, if an unexpired value for the [key] is present by the time the [loader] returns
* the new value, the existing value won't be replaced by the new value.
* Instead the existing value will be returned.
* Any exceptions thrown by the [loader] will be propagated to the caller of this function.
fun get(key: Key, loader: () -> Value): Value
This is similar to our DataLoader
example above. We can verify the loader
lambda invocations with the same approach:
fun `get(key, loader) returns existing value when an unexpired entry with the associated key exists before executing the loader`() {
val cache = Cache.Builder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(expiryDuration, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
.build<Long, String>() cache.put(1, "dog") // create a new `() -> Value` lambda
val loader = createLoader("cat") val value = cache.get(1, loader) // loader should not have been invoked as "dog" is already in the cache.
.isEqualTo(0) assertThat(value)
To support adding different variants of fake Loader
implementation for some of the more complex concurrency tests, we have a TestLoader
class that takes val block: () -> Value
as a constructor parameter, and a bunch of top-level functions for creating different Loader
implementations for different needs.
private class TestLoader<Value>(private val block: () -> Value) : () -> Value {
var invokeCount = 0
override operator fun invoke(): Value {
return block()
}// a regular loader that returns computed value immediately
private fun <Value> createLoader(computedValue: Value) =
TestLoader { computedValue }// a loader that throws an exception immediately
private fun createFailingLoader(exception: Exception) =
TestLoader { throw exception }// a loader that takes certain duration (virtual) to execute and return the computed value
private fun <Value> createSlowLoader(
computedValue: Value,
executionTime: Long
) = TestLoader {
runBlocking { delay(executionTime) }
The complete test suite can be found here.
I hope you find this technique useful! Here’s the TLDR:
- You don’t need help from a mocking framework for testing Kotlin lambda invocations — it’s easy to track the invocation count in the lambda implementation provided
- You don’t need to wrap a function inside an interface to be able to provide a fake implementation in tests — a class can implement a function type directly just like implementing a regular interface.
Thanks to Eyal Guthmann for suggesting the use of invocation counter in my cache rewrite PR which inspired me to write this article.